Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Suchergebnis in den Forschungsaktivitäten der Entscheidungshilfevorhaben

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Titel: Biomarker-basierte Langzeitanalysen zur Ermittlung des Anteils von Jodsalz an der Salzaufnahme und der Jodversorgung in der deutschen Bevölkerung
Titel (englisch): Biomarker-based long-term analyses for the determination of the proportion of iodized salt originating from total salt intake and iodized salt´s contribution to overall iodine nutrition in the German population
Beschreibung (dt.): Vorhabenziel ist es, die Jodversorgung in Deutschland in direkter Abhängigkeit vom Jodsalzanteil am Gesamt-Salzkonsum zu charakterisieren und präventivmedizinisch relevante Trends der Jodversorgung bei veränderter Salzaufnahme prognostisch abzuschätzen. Die Untersuchungen sollen auf Basis der Erhebungs- und Analysendaten der zurückliegenden bundesweiten repräsentativen Studie zur Gesundheit Erwachsener in Deutschland 1 (DEGS1), der aktuellen Studie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland Welle 2 (KiGGS-W2) sowie der DONALD Studie durchgeführt werden.
Beschreibung (engl.): The aim of this project is to characterize the direct dependency, in Germany, of iodine nutrition from the fraction of total salt intake which is iodized and to prognostically assess preventive medically relevant trends of iodine supply with changes in salt intake. Studies are to be performed on the basis of measurement and survey data from the (i) recent representative Study on the Health Status of the Adult Population Living in Germany (DEGS1), (ii) the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents Wave2 (KiGGS-W2) and (iii) the Dortmund Nutritional and Anthropometric Longitudinally Designed (DONALD) Study in which 24-hour urine samples are collected in contrast to spot samples in DEGS1 and KiGGS-W2. For the calculation of the fraction of total salt intake that is iodized salt and the fraction of total iodine intake that is provided by iodized salt both estimations and real measurements of 24-hour excretion rates of iodine and sodium will be performed. The former will be done with data from the two large surveys DEGS1 and KiGGS-W2 and the latter using urine samples of 6-12 years old children and 18-29 years old adults of the DONALD study. For the estimations of daily iodine and sodium excretions the respective spot-urine measurements are individually corrected for urinary creatinine concentrations and related to age- and sex specific 24-hour creatinine reference values. Based on these calculated or measured 24-hour iodine and sodium excretions, average values for the fraction of overall iodine intake that is inherent in food and the fraction of overall iodine intake that is due to iodized salt can be determined. Correspondingly, the average iodized fraction of total salt intake will be estimated. These data will be used to examine, on the one hand, the respective given time periods of the two large surveys 2008-2011 in DEGS1 and 2014-2017 in KiGGS-W2 and on the other hand the corresponding changes (or trends) between 2008-2011 and 2014-2017. Corresponding long term trends in 24-hour urines of the DONALD participants serve to ensure and/or affirm those findings in DEGS1 and KiGGS-W2. Results from all 3 studies are finally used to prospectively assess potential future developments and scenarios.
Laufzeit: Beginn: 01.01.2018 / Ende: 31.08.2019
Ausf. Einrichtung: Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn DONALD Studie, Außenlabor des Instituts für Ernährungs- und Lebenmittelwissenschaften, Dortmund
Themenfelder: Gesundheitlicher Verbraucherschutz, health-related consumer protection
Förderprogramme: Entscheidungshilfebedarf
Schlagworte: Ernährungsinformation / Empfehlung, nutritional information / recommendation, Humanernährung, human nutrition, Lebensmittelanalytik, food analysis, Prävention, Prevention, Ernährung, nutrition, Ernährungsphysiologie, nutrition physiology, Mengen/Spurenelemente (z.B. Cu, Se, Zn), macronutrients / micronutrients, Gesundheitsförderung, health promotion, Inhaltsstoffe, ingredients, Monitoring
Stichpunkte: Jod, Iod, DONALD, KiGGS, EsKiMo
Förderkennzeichen: 2817HS007
Dokument zum Download: Kein Dokument vorhanden!


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