Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Projekte in den Förderprogrammen des BMEL, betreut durch den Projektträger BLE (PT BLE)

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Titel: Tierschutz erLeben – Erstellung einer virtuellen Lehr-/Lernumgebung zum besseren Verständnis von Tierschutz von Rindern und Schafen im Rahmen der beruflichen Bildung
Titel (englisch): Animal Welfare Xperience - Development of a virtual teaching/learning platform for better understanding of animal welfare of cattle and sheep in the context of professional training
Akronym: Tierschutz_erLeben
Beschreibung (dt.): Das primäre Ziel des Vorhabens 'Tierschutz erLeben' ist die Entwicklung eines Online-Lehr-/Lernangebots für Studierende der Fachrichtung Agrar- und Nutztierwissenschaften, Schüler*innen von Fachschulen, Auszubildende und (Hobby)Nutztierhalter*innen. Auf Grundlage einer interaktiven, aktuellen Lernlandkarte und eines Simulationsspiels werden den gegenwärtigen und zukünftigen Akteuren in der Nutztierhaltung Lernbausteine zur Auswahl gestellt, mit denen sie sich Wissen um die Grundlagen des Tierschutzes und des Herdenmanagements von Rindern und Schafen aneignen und diese Kenntnisse spielerisch anwenden, analysieren und bewerten können. Das e-learning Angebot kann komplett eigenständig im Selbststudium oder integriert in eine Lehrveranstaltung im Sinne eines Baukastensystems eingesetzt werden. Aufgrund des Open Educational Resources Prinzips können einzelne Bausteine ebenfalls eine hilfreiche Ergänzung zu Fort- und Weiterbildungen von Lehrenden, fachlich Interessierten und anderen Zielgruppen darstellen. Das Projekt wird einen erheblichen Beitrag zur Verbesserung des Wissenstransfers im Bereich Tierschutz von Rindern und Schafen leisten.
Beschreibung (engl.): The primary goal of the project 'Animal Welfare Xperience' is the development of a virtual teaching/learning platform for students of agricultural and livestock sciences, students of technical colleges, trainees and (hobby) livestock farmers. On the basis of an interactive, up-to-date learning map and a simulation game, current and future actors in livestock management are provided with learning modules with which they can acquire knowledge about the basics of animal welfare and herd management of cattle as well as sheep and apply, analyze and evaluate this knowledge in an appealing way. The e-learning offer can be used completely independently in self-study or integrated into a course in the sense of a modular system. Due to the Open Educational Resources principle, individual modules can also be a helpful addition to further education and training courses for teachers, people interested in the subject, and other target groups. The project will make a significant contribution to improving knowledge transfer in the field of animal welfare of cattle and sheep. A virtual teaching/learning platform is to be developed as part of the project 'Animal Welfare Xperience'. With the help of this platform, current and future actors in farm animal husbandry can learn about the animal welfare of cattle and sheep in basic and advanced training and during their studies. The knowledge transfer concept will be divided into digital learning modules in the form of a modular system and a cow/herd simulation game. The development and testing of the teaching/learning package is planned to take place in several stages. First, the demands for the virtual platform are analyzed, the specific content to be developed and the resulting requirements for implementation are noted. For this purpose, among other things, a brief introduction to the planned project will be given in a first workshop, to which interested people from all target groups are invited, and a sketch of the preliminary modular system and the simulation will be created using the human-centered design approach. In further workshops, the contents created so far are evaluated and adapted according to the respective suggestions. This will enable the topics to be prepared in a way that is appropriate for the target group right from the start. Within two years, the creation of the teaching/learning materials should be completed to such an extent that they can be tested in the respective institutions as a pure online or blended learning offer in existing teaching forms at the participating institutions. At the end of the trial use, the experiences with the implementation will be evaluated (particularly usage and dropout rates), appropriate improvements will be made and the teaching and learning offer will also be made available for use at other institutions. The development of the project's own website is intended to promote the visibility of the project to the public and to teachers and learners.
Laufzeit: Beginn: 01.12.2021 / Ende: 30.04.2025
Ausf. Einrichtung: Hochschule Rhein-Waal Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Kleve
Themenfelder: Wissenstransfer / Vernetzung, knowledge transfer, networking
Förderprogramme: Modell- und Demonstrationsvorhaben Tierschutz
Schlagworte: Tierschutz, Tierwohl, animal welfare, Tierhaltung, animal husbandry, Bildung, education, Digitalisierung, Digitale Welt, digital world, Rinder, cattle, Kleinwiederkäuer, small ruminants
Förderkennzeichen: 2820MDT110
Dokument zum Download: Kein Dokument vorhanden!


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