Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Projekte in den Förderprogrammen des BMEL, betreut durch den Projektträger BLE (PT BLE)

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Titel: Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeit der Lebensmittelwertschöpfungskette durch Reduzierung und Recycling von Lebensmittelabfällen zur Steigerung der Ressourceneffizienz (AVARE) - Teilvorhaben 1
Titel (englisch): AVARE (Adding value in resource effective food systems) Project goal is to reduce food waste and to produce bio-based products. Outputs will include processes that flexibly exploit feedstocks to reduce costs, improve sustainability and accelerate commercial end-uses.
Akronym: AVARE
Beschreibung (dt.): Das Projekt hat zum Ziel, die Entstehung von LMA zu reduzieren sowie biobasierte Produkte zu erzeugen. Es werden Lösungsansätze zur Vermeidung von LMA in der Außer-Haus-Verpflegung (AHV) erarbeitet, sowie Hemmnisse und fördernde Faktoren ermittelt. Als Rohstoff für die Erzeugung biobasierter Produkte dienen LMA, die während der Produktion und des Konsums der Lebensmittel entstehen. Es werden Prozesse erarbeitet, die es erlauben LMA als Ausgangsmaterialien einzusetzen, Kosten zu reduzieren, die Nachhaltigkeit der Lebensmittelwertschöpfungskette zu verbessern und einen wirtschaftlicher Mehrwert zu generieren. Dieses Ziel wird erreicht durch die Analyse entstehender Abfälle der AHV und der Entwicklung eines Monokultur-basierten Fermentationsprozesses zur Erzeugung von Säure, der schneller und effizienter ist als die üblicherweise angewandte Fermentation mit Mischkulturen. In diesem Sinne, bietet das Projekt ein neuartiges Konzept zur Verwendung von LMA.
Beschreibung (engl.): The aim of the project is to optimize the systems scale performance of the food supply chain with a focus on hospitality sector and its supply chain. This shall be achieved by utilizing a sustainability appraisal framework based on the waste management hierarchy for the food products and the applicability of waste for further bioprocessing. The project will explore potentials of innovative technologies to achieve a 'green production' economy. This includes the re-utilization of the food-based biowaste as resource for renewable novel products. The project unites research in waste reduction and waste conversion to value-added products. It evaluates efforts and benefits for either way in order to identify the most appropriate actions to be taken in terms of behaviour, policies and technological processes. Main objectives: 1. Supporting EU-level target to reduce food waste by 50% by 2030 by preventing, reducing and reusing the food waste of different sectors. 2. Improving quality and value of separately collected food and food waste by discovering the optimal methods for its redistribution as feed, and as a raw material for new products. 3. Addressing potential problems with plastic packaging in the food chain as a potential contaminant of organic resources and waste including pollution and degradability, evaluating those problems in light of the benefits of plastic in preserving food and reducing transport weight. 4. Addressing food waste as a renewable resource, supporting the business based waste-to-value technology by co-operating closely with SME’s acting on different areas of this future business. 5. Quantifying and evaluating financial, environmental and social impacts of the proposed actions. 6. Facilitating competitive edge of European research institutions, SMEs and policy makers in addressing the societal challenge of food waste reduction, recycling and reuse through effective transfer of knowledge acquired during the project’s activities to key stakeholders. WP1 includes case studies in the hospitality sector in Norway, Finland, Sweden and Germany to identify practices to prevent and reduce food waste. Moreover, stakeholder workshops to design new solutions for use of surplus food and create knowledge and acceptance of food donations from food service to charity in all four countries will be conducted. WP2 aims to identify the potential of the targeted food waste to produce components either in mono- or co-digestion technologies. Technical and legislative barriers will be identified and considered for the possibilities to recycle food waste back to benefit food chain. WP3 comprises the Life Cycle Sustainable Assessment. This work will include both stakeholders and project partners and work as a guideline for the different assessment studies which will result in a synthesis where the various case results will be when ranked and put into perspective of the overall sustainability performance. WP4 includes stakeholder workshops which ensure coordination with other EU (e.g. Refresh) and national projects. Qualitative and participatory methods will be applied in the project. This method regards that solutions can be more complex and require cooperation throughout the food chain (from farmer to consumer). WP5 deals with communication and dissemination of the project and results in line with the guidelines on communication from CommBeBiz to ensure results are both disseminated within the scientific community and the desired target group of relevant actors of the food chain. Relevant transfer channels will be identified in each country and information is provided in a target group specific ways, such as newsletters, manuals or reports. WP6 takes care of the legal and financial issues, reporting and fluent cooperation between research partners. The coordinator will also define the rules of internal communication within the consortium of research partners.
Laufzeit: Beginn: 01.10.2018 / Ende: 31.05.2021
Ausf. Einrichtung: FH Münster - Institut für nachhaltige Ernährung und Ernährungswirtschaft (iSuN), Münster
Themenfelder: Lebensmitteltechnologie, food technology, food engineering
Förderprogramme: EU-Forschung
Schlagworte: Lebensmittelverarbeitung, food processing, Nachhaltigkeit, sustainability, Klimaschutz, climate protection, Reststoffe, Abfälle, residual product, waste
Stichpunkte: SUSFOOD2 (Cofunded Call)
Förderkennzeichen: 2818ERA07B
Dokument zum Download: Kein Dokument vorhanden!


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