Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Projekte in den Förderprogrammen des BMEL, betreut durch den Projektträger BLE (PT BLE)

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Titel: Entwicklung eines interaktiven Sensorsystems zur Erfassung von Tieraktivität zur intelligenten, gruppenspezifischen Optimierung der Stallumgebung in der Schweinemast (SmartPigHome) - Teilprojekt 1
Titel (englisch): Intelligent and group-specific optimisation of barn-environment in pig husbandry by developing an interactive sensor-system for capturing animal activity
Akronym: SmartPigHome
Beschreibung (dt.): In der modernen Schweinehaltung ist eine transparente Digitalisierung von Datenströmen und deren Bündelung bisher noch nicht im Sinne von Tierhalter, nachgelagerten Lebensmittelproduzenten und Verbraucher gelöst. Ziel dieses Projektes ist, eine Vernetzung vorhandener, stallinterner Datenströme zu ermöglichen, um eine tiergerechte und reizgesteuerte Stallumgebung durch ein dynamisch agierendes System, das die Tieraktivität mit Umgebungsparametern intelligent verknüpft, zu schaffen.
Beschreibung (engl.): In modern pig husbandry, a transparent digitalisation of data streams and their bundling is not yet developed in the sense that it is beneficial for livestock owners, downstream food production and consumers. The aim of this project is to build a network of available, barn-specific data streams in order to create a livestock-friendly and impulse-driven barn-environment. The centre of this system is a dynamically acting tool that connects animal activity and environmental parameters in an intelligent way. In this project not only all automatically measurable environmental parameters in a pig barn are recorded, but also the animal activity in the individual pens. Via an interface and a special algorithm, the collected data is implemented into an active management system of the housing environment. In parallel, a 'play tool' is being developed which addresses the pigs' intelligence and natural exploratory behaviour. The central unit is a system that records the movement and activity of the animals and, if necessary, starts the play tool by projecting interactively moving objects onto the floor of the pen, thus addressing the natural curiosity of the animals. The central unit bundles all other incoming parameters and thus links environmental values with animal activity to a precautionary, intelligent, animal-related environment control. A closed control loop is created through permanent animal observation and automated animal behaviour recording with corresponding options for action. An animal-friendly barn environment with a specific and intelligent control reduces aggressive behaviour and tail biting in the best case. The project includes the use of intelligent data processing, data linkage and data preparation to improve animal health and welfare. The development of a 'digital barn', on which basis a 'smart home' is created and evaluated, offers the animals a dynamically acting animal welfare regime.
Laufzeit: Beginn: 15.10.2021 / Ende: 31.03.2025
Ausf. Einrichtung: Universität Vechta - Verbund Transformationsforschung agrar Niedersachsen, Vechta
Themenfelder: Tierhaltung, animal husbandry
Förderprogramme: Bundesprogramm Nutztierhaltung
Schlagworte: Monitoring, Tiergesundheit, animal health, Tierschutz, Tierwohl, animal welfare, Precision livestock farming, Stallbau, stable building, Schweine, pigs, Datensammlung, data collection, Sensorik, sensor technology, Künstliche Intelligenz, AI Artificial Intelligence
Förderkennzeichen: 28N602901
Dokument zum Download: Kein Dokument vorhanden!


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