Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Projekte in den Förderprogrammen des BMEL, betreut durch den Projektträger BLE (PT BLE)

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Titel: Prüfung unterschiedlicher medizinischer Befunde bei Frischlingen und Aufzuchtferkeln in Bezug zur Verhaltensstörung Schwanzbeißen beim Schwein (PUMBA)
Titel (englisch): Examination of the full medical picture of young wild boars in comparison to domesticated rearing pigs with regard to the behavioural disorder tail biting in pigs
Akronym: PUMBA
Beschreibung (dt.): Ziel des beantragten Projekts ist die Schaffung einer umfangreichen und vielfältigen Datengrundlage über den Gesundheitsstatus bei Wildschweinen. Dieser soll zu den Gesundheitsbefunden bei Hausschweinen, welche in einer Vorläuferstudie erfasst wurden, verglichen werden. Dadurch wird es möglich, Rückschlüsse zu ziehen, welche (gegebenenfalls subklinischen) Gesundheitsbefunde als normal und unproblematisch interpretiert werden können und welche genauer betrachtet werden sollten. Dies ist insbesondere von Bedeutung im Hinblick auf die Klärung der Pathogenese von Schwanzbeißen.
Beschreibung (engl.): Tail biting is a common but severe issue in pig husbandry. The causes are multifactorial and up to date not fully understood. One cause that is permanently discussed is the health status. Potentially, subclinical findings are involved in the pathogenesis of this behavioural disorder. However, the Question arises, which subclinical findings are important and which might also just be normal. Hence, in the present study, a comparison to the wild form is chosen, in which tail biting has not been observed. If specific subclinical medical findings are also observed in wild boars without tail biting, then it is likely that this medical finding has no link to tail biting. This comparison is necessary to understand the role of the health status in the pathogenesis of tail biting. Moreover, this Project in General allows a detailed overview about the current health Status in the wild boar population. Young wild boars are hunted within the normal hunting practice. Directly after the hunt, the hunter collects blood and fecal samples. The animals are then transported to the Institute for pathology of the school of veterinary Medicine in Hannover. Here, a detailed pathological examination including pathohistology is carried out. During all steps, necessary precaution is taken to Prevent a potential spreading of african swine fever. Routinely, the animals are tested amongst others for african swine fever at the institute for pathology. After the pathological examination, specific organ samples are further analysed: blood samples are analysed for a detailled hemogram and the immunoglobulin content, microbita are analysed, parasitic diagnosis is carried out, the structure of the brain is analysed via MRI and histologically, the adrenal glands are weighted and the liqor is analysed for serotonine content. These results are compared to findings in domesticated pigs with a link to the behavioural disorder tail biting to verify which medical findings have a link and which are to be interpreted as normal. Thereby, findings can be interpreted as normal, i.e. not linked to tail biting if they also appear in wild boars as, in wild boars, tail biting does not occur.
Laufzeit: Beginn: 10.11.2020 / Ende: 31.12.2022
Ausf. Einrichtung: Christian-Albrechts-Universität Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaftliche Fakultät Institut für Tierzucht und Tierhaltung, Kiel
Themenfelder: Tiergesundheit, animal health
Förderprogramme: Bundesprogramm Nutztierhaltung
Schlagworte: Tierschutz, Tierwohl, animal welfare, Tierhaltung, animal husbandry, Precision livestock farming, Prävention, Prevention, Haltungsverfahren/Haltungstechnik, husbandry techniques, Schweine, pigs, Wildtiere, wildlife
Förderkennzeichen: 28N201000
Dokument zum Download: Kein Dokument vorhanden!


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