Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Projekte in den Förderprogrammen des BMEL, betreut durch den Projektträger BLE (PT BLE)

Ergebnis der Suche

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Titel: Management und Berichterstattung von Treibhausgasen und Kohlenstoffsequestrierung unterschiedlicher Landschaftsmosaiken (GHG-Manage)
Titel (englisch): Managing and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Seuqestration in Different Landscale Mosaics
Akronym: GHG-Manage
Beschreibung (dt.): Das Projekt 'Management und Berichterstattung von Treibhausgasen und Kohlenstoffsequestrierung unterschiedlicher Landschaftsmosaiken' ('GHG-Manage') befasst sich mit den Charakteristika des Treibhausgasaustausches typischer europäischer Landschaftstypen, sowohl auf mineralischen wie organischen Böden. Emissionen von CO2, CH4 und N2O werden sowohl auf Grundlage existierender wie neuer flugzeuggestützter Messungen sowohl landschaftstypisch als auch managementabhängig spezifiziert und dem web-basierten Treibhausgasrechner 'Cool-Farm-Tool' und prozessorientierter Farm-Modellierung zur Verfügung gestellt. Im Einzelnen werden optimale Landschaftselementkompositionen und Managementpraktiken untersucht, um THG-Emissionen zu optimieren bzw. kompensieren, unter Berücksichtigung von ökonomischen Konsequenzen. Wichtige Kompensationsmechanismen im Rahmen der regionalen wie nationalen THG-Bilanzen werden unter Berücksichtigung von Kohlenstoffspeicherpotentialen eruiert.
Beschreibung (engl.): The project aims to assess GHG exchange characteristics of typical European landscape types, both on mineral and organic soils, including CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions, using existing and new experimental data, and make these accessible for quantification tools such as the CFT and process-oriented whole farm models. Specifically, optimal configurations of landscape elements and management practices will be investigated, that lead to internal compensation of GHG emissions whilst considering their economic impact. Further, the effects of important compensating mechanisms on regional to national scale GHG emissions and soil carbon stocks will be quantified. While the project aims to generate new approaches to assess GHG budgets of heterogeneous landscapes and understudied land cover-soil combinations, there are large bodies of existing data from past and on-going measurement networks that will be explored and organised to extract information on management effects and landscape-scale GHG exchange, including non-CO2 gases like N2O, its precursor NH3, and CH4. This task will be coordinated through WP1 led by INRA. While much of this information can be directly implemented into novel GHG quantification and optimisation procedures and utilized in the Cool Farm Tool (CFT), this analysis will also serve to guide development of new data collection, tool development, data mining and modelling. Thus, information from WP1 will flow both to WP2, dedicated to the development of new information, tools and modelling on GHG fluxes in agricultural landscapes on different soils and under diverse management, and to WP3, which will focus on bringing all existing and new information together to analyse in particular the opportunities to optimise GHG exchange from landscape mosaics. WP3 will integrate the information on GHG compensation, including new information from WP2, to assess possible measures including their economic potential and to maximise the net GHG mitigation potential of landscapes. All information from these three work packages will be combined and operationalised in WP4 in an updated development of the CFT, in close consultation with the various organisations behind the CFT. This will lead to a well-designed and well-tuned set of tools and insights that are geared directly to practical application. Finally, project management is performed from WP5, from which both the administrative tasks are executed as well as the collaboration, and overall project aims and coherence is fostered.
Laufzeit: Beginn: 01.01.2018 / Ende: 31.12.2021
Ausf. Einrichtung: Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ - Sektion 1.4 - Fernerkundung, Potsdam
Themenfelder: Pflanzenbau, crop production
Förderprogramme: EU-Forschung
Schlagworte: Emissionen, emissions, Wissenstransfer / Vernetzung, knowledge transfer, networking, Migrationshintergrund, migration background, Klimaschutz, climate protection
Stichpunkte: FACCE ERA-GAS (Cofunded Call)
Förderkennzeichen: 2817ERA10C
Dokument zum Download: Kein Dokument vorhanden!


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