Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Suchergebnis in allen Forschungsaktivitäten der MuD Vorhaben Biologischen Vielfalt

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Titel: Support to strengthen Nutrition in the Committee of Worl Food Security (CFS)
Titel (englisch): Support to strengthen Nutrition in the Committee of Worl Food Security (CFS)
Beschreibung (dt.): Das Projekt wird vom Sekretariat des United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) durchgeführt und ist in der WHO angesiedelt. Das UNSCN ist eine Plattform zur UN-weiten Koordination der Maßnahmen im Bereich Ernährung. Es vertritt die verschiedenen relevanten UN-Organisationen auch in der Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Initiative.

Kernanliegen des Projekts ist es, Beispiele zu dokumentieren bei denen die Ernährung (Nutrition) in der Planung und Formulierung von nationalen Programmen und Politiken eingeflossen ist und nachprüfbar in einer Rahmenplanung vorliegt. Aufbauend auf einer Analyse der Beispiele sollen gemeinsam mit relevanten Partnern übertragbare Leitlinien und Prinzipien erarbeitet werden, wie nationale ernährungssensitive Entwicklungspolitiken gestaltet werden können.
Beschreibung (engl.): This project will engage the CFS further in discussion on strengthening the linkages of its work with nutrition, through addressing important knowledge gaps on nutrition-sensitive developments. Its immediate objectives include:
• Demonstrating the role and work of different sector programmes, especially in agriculture and food security, food supply, social protection, but also health and education; and their potential pro-nutrition actions.
• Contributing to the advancement of the current debate on nutrition-sensitive developments by analyzing based on concrete examples which respective sectors are involved, their explicit contributions to improve nutrition and nutrion outcomes, and how these outcomes could be measured with relevant indicators.
• Contributing essential knowledge for the elaboration of technical recommendations on aligning these programmes around shared goals for countries to be able to improve their nutrition situation in a sustainable way and at scale. A common results framework for national development policies is recommended that can help allocate resources more effectively. Such a framework would need to be informed by technical recommendations. However, at present data for a comprehensive analysis are limited. The proposed project will contribute to the elaboration of knowledge for the development of technical recommendations.

The selected case studies will allow to learn from examples where national agriculture, food security, food supply, social protection, as well as health or education programmes successfully integrated nutrition in the planning stage, and where progress has been made on establishing results and including nutrition into accountability frameworks. Based on the synthesis of these, generic guidance on the elaboration of key principals for how best to design national nutrition-sensitive development policies, and key issues around results and accountability frameworks will be elaborated in collaboration with relevant partners.
Laufzeit: Beginn: 01.12.2012 / Ende: 31.12.2013
Förderprogramme: Bilateraler Treuhandfonds