Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Projekte in den Förderprogrammen des BMEL, betreut durch den Projektträger BLE (PT BLE)

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Titel: Die Nachfrage nach bio-regionalem Gemüse für die Gemeinschaftsverpflegung nimmt stetig zu, insbesondere in den Großstädten. Das regionale Angebot gerade kleiner Erzeuger kann die Nachfrage gerade bei Gemüse nicht decken, weil funktionierende Wertschöpfungsketten fehlen. Dieses Problem will Tiny Farms lösen.
Titel (englisch): More than 300,000 Berlin schoolchildren are having lunch at school every day. In order to improve food quality and environmental impact, the city of Berlin decided to raise the share of organic produce used for school food to at least 50 percent. However, currently only some 5 percent of the organic produce in Berlin comes from local farmers, while the vast majority of vegetables are imported from other parts of Germany or even from international suppliers. The reason for this is the lack of working food supply chains from local small-scale producers to school kitchens. Tiny Farms will solve this shortcoming by establishing a fully integrated local food supply chain for produce including production, processing and just-in-time delivery.
Akronym: Tinyfarms
Beschreibung (dt.): Im Rahmen des Vorhabens wird der Prototyp einer integrierten Wertschöpfungkette entwickelt, die kleinstrukturierte Gemüseproduktion aus der Region, dezentrale Verarbeitung und direkte Belieferung von Unternehmen der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung in Berlin verbindet. Kernstück des Prototypen ist eine gemeinsame IT gestützte Anbauplanung, die vertikal alle Stufen der Wertschöpfungskette verbindet und horizontal die koordinierte Anbauplanung unterschiedlicher Kleinerzeuger ermöglicht. Auf diese Weise ermöglicht das Modell Kleinerzeugern, für Großabnehmer wie Schul-Caterer zu produzieren.
Beschreibung (engl.): In this project, we develop the prototype of an integrated food supply chain for organic produce from local small-scale farms to school kitchens in Berlin. This food supply chain will embrace production on small-scale farms, decentralized processing as well as direct delivery to school kitchen chefs in Berlin. At the core of the project, we will develop a crop planning application, which will link the chefs’ annual plans to the farmers’ crop planning. Moreover, it will allow for coordinated crop planning of different small-scale farms and hence allow small-scale producers to meet the quantitative needs of large school kitchens with thousands of meals per day. The project is implemented by four work packages. In work package No 1, we develop a small-scale production prototype according to the concepts of biointensive farming and lean management. The main activity is to implement crop production by means of a demand driven planning tool. In work package No 2, we develop the prototype of a decentralized and freight-container based processing facility, that allows for linking small-scale production to the demand of large school kitchens. Work package No 3 develops and optimizes cooperation between chefs and farmers. As a prototype, modes of delivery will be developed. Moreover, the integration of school kids will also be an issue in order to utilize the system for educational purposes if possible. Finally, in work package No 4 we develop an IT planning tool, which links all parts of the supply chain and allows for coordinated planning of production, processing, delivery and cooking. All other work packages will feed data into work package No 4.
Laufzeit: Beginn: 23.04.2020 / Ende: 30.04.2022
Ausf. Einrichtung: Tiny Farms UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Berlin
Themenfelder: Pflanzenbau, crop production
Förderprogramme: Innovationsförderung aus Mitteln des Zweckvermögens des Bundes bei der Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank
Schlagworte: Start-up
Förderkennzeichen: 28ZDP06X20
Dokument zum Download: Kein Dokument vorhanden!


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