Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Projekte in den Förderprogrammen des BMEL, betreut durch den Projektträger BLE (PT BLE)

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Titel: 'Die Rolle von Auxinen in Tomatenblüten und Früchten während der Entwicklung unter hohen Temperaturen'
Titel (englisch): Role of auxins in tomato flower organs and fruit during development under high temperature conditions
Beschreibung (dt.): Tomaten sind wichtige Nutzpflanzen weltweit, die bei hohen Temperaturen z.B. in mediterranem Klima (auch in Israel) Probleme bei der Blüten- und damit auch Fruchtentwicklung zeigen. In Voruntersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Auxin Indol-3-essigsäure eine wichtige Rolle bei der Fruchtentwicklung unter Hitzeeinwirkung spielt. In dem Projekt sollen daher der Transport und die Konzentration des Hormons untersucht werden, um Mechanismen aufzuzeigen, die es ermöglichen Tomaten auch bei hohen Temperaturen zum Blühen und Fruchten zu bringen und damit den Ertrag dieser wichtigen Kulturfrucht zu steigern. In dem Projekt sollen die Komponenten identifiziert werden, die Auxin in Tomaten während der Blütenbildung kontrollieren. Dies soll zunächst unter optimalen Anzuchtsbedingungen erfolgen, später dann auch unter erhöhten Temperaturen untersucht werden. Schließlich soll gezielt der Auxinspiegel in Blüten und Früchten so verändert werden, dass die Blütenbildung unter Hitzestress möglich wird.
Beschreibung (engl.): The plant hormone auxin plays a major role in normal floral organ and fruit development and these are affected by high temperature stress. We propose that high temperature affects auxin homeostasis by affecting its biosynthesis, metabolism and/or transport machinery during flower and fruit development causing alteration in normal function and yield reduction. The primary goal of the proposed research is to unrevealed the impact of abiotic stress on auxin-regulated flower organs development and function and during fruit set. Auxin homeostasis will be examined under control conditions and under abiotic stress as it would be encountered during tomato fruit production. Understanding these regulatory mechanisms will allow adjusting the performance of fruit production under elevated temperatures. Our results will lead to the identification of targets for future crop improvement under high temperature stress, which can be also used in marker-based breeding approaches. Tomatoes are a major horticultural crop worldwide and are produced for both fresh consumption and processing. In recent years the usage of protective environment cropping systems (net houses and greenhouses) in Israel and other part of the world increased, and this increase is due to the high demand for fresh tomatoes all year around and the necessity of crop protection. Tomato crop yields are maximized in climates with moderate to high temperatures. However, when grown under protective environments, or in Mediterranean climate during the summer, high temperature exposure often limits tomato flower development, fruit set, and, thus, productivity. Experimental evidence indicates that reduced fruit set at high temperatures results from inhibited pollen development, anther release, and viability which correlate with altered metabolism of the plant hormone auxin. Recent advances in auxin biology have identified auxin influx and efflux carriers, which determine auxin fate and transport within and between plant cells. However, these findings were shown mainly in Arabidopsis root and apical meristem systems, while much less is known about auxin transport and action within floral organs and during fruit development, particularly in other plant spp. such as tomato and other food crops. Furthermore, temperature-dependent effects on auxin synthesis and sensitivity have also been demonstrated in some species, and auxin has recently been shown to reverse negative effects of high temperature on male floral organs in barley and Arabidopsis. This proposal will use molecular and analytical chemistry tools to characterize the role of auxin in flower organs and fruit development under high temperatures. The objectives of this research are to 1) Identify auxin homeostasis components that function during normal flower organs development and during fruit set and maturation, 2) Identify the auxin derivatives that function in flower and fruit organs during development, 3) Elucidate the mec
Laufzeit: Beginn: 15.10.2014 / Ende: 30.11.2017
Ausf. Einrichtung: Technische Universität Dresden - Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften - Fachrichtung Biologie - Institut für Botanik - Professur Pflanzenphysiologie, Dresden
Themenfelder: Welternährung, global food security
Förderprogramme: Internationale Forschungskooperationen
Schlagworte: Resistenz, resistance, Pflanzenzüchtung, plant breeding, Gemüsebau, vegetable production, Weitere industriell nutzbare Pflanzen, other industrial plants, Abiotischer Stress, abiotic stress
Förderkennzeichen: 2813IL02
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