Projekte in den Förderprogrammen des BMEL, betreut durch den Projektträger BLE (PT BLE)
Ergebnis der Suche
Titel: | 'Aflatoxin-Reduktion in der Nahrungskette' AflaNET |
Titel (englisch): | 'Networking on aflatoxin reduction in the food value chain' AflaNET |
Beschreibung (dt.): | Ziel des Vorhabens ist die Initiierung langfristiger Forschungsnetzwerke mit Partnern in Kenia und Fokus auf der Aflatoxin-Problematik in der gesamten Lebensmittelkette. Dies ist verknüpft mit dem Anspruch, nutzbare Ergebnisse für Kenia über die Detektion von Aflatoxinen durch Schnell-Tests, Carry-over-Versuche und Minimierungsstrategien von Aflatoxinen zu erzielen. Das Vorhaben wird als Initialstudie einen ersten Eindruck zur Lage in Kenia und zu möglichen Lösungsansätzen bieten. Die Ergebnisse sollen über die Verbreitung des Endberichts bei Entscheidern in der Politik, in Netzwerken in Kenia, Deutschland und Europa publik gemacht und durch Publikationen und die Nutzung neuer Medien publik gemacht werden. |
Beschreibung (engl.): | Considering the challenges and specifics in Kenya on aflatoxin contamination in the food chain, the objectives of this initial study are the following: 1.) Initiation and strengthening of a long-term network between MRI and the African partners on aflatoxin in the food chain. The coordinator will be supported by a liaison officer in Nairobi, who will be in charge of communication and coordination activities and who shall act as a 'linchpin' for project activities on site. During an excursion in Kenya at the beginning and a final workshop at the end with Kenyan stakeholders, farmer organisations, representatives from the academia and representatives from decision-making organizations, sustainable and viable solutions for long-term aflatoxin minimization in the diet of the Kenyan population will be worked out. The application-oriented (scientific) approaches of the project include initially 2.) the examination of commercially available rapid test systems for aflatoxins as to their handling, suitability and local applicability, 3.) a carry-over trial and 4.) developing a minimization strategy based on molecular methods, which initially involves the establishment of methods for monitoring the growth and physiological activity of Aspergillus flavus in food and feed. 5.) The results of the project will be disseminate as broad as possible via the final report, the partner networks, new media, homepages, presentations of conferences and publications in national and international journals. The workplan comprises the following work packages: WP 1: Excursion (6 days) in Kenya, especially to facilities, research institutions, acreages and laboratories in and outside of Nairobi. The aim is to evaluate which groups and projects are working on aflatoxin minimization and which parameters of a minimization strategy for aflatoxins in maize and dairy products are already established and applied. In addition, African project leaders and stakeholders of crop production, storage and processing are invited to participate in the visit tour. MRI and the associated partners will be supported by a liaison officer who should organize the tour. A further aim is to initiate and strengthen networkings and collaborations during the visit. WP2: Verification of commercially available rapid tests for aflatoxins at MRI with the aim to detect aflatoxins and to use those tests in Kenya. WP3: Carry-over trials at MRI. WP4: Development of molecular minimization strategies for aflatoxins. WP5: Capacity Building. Two scientists from Kenyan partners will visit MRI for approx. three weeks and will work together with scientists and technician in laboratories at MRI; the time period, their work plan and the WP need to be discussed at the beginning of the project. WP6: Dissemination of WP1-5 results and use of the results for further research on aflatoxin. |
Laufzeit: | Beginn: 01.07.2016 / Ende: 31.03.2018 |
Ausf. Einrichtung: | Max Rubner-Institut Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ernährung und Lebensmittel - Institut für Sicherheit und Qualität bei Getreide, Detmold |
Themenfelder: | Welternährung, global food security |
Förderprogramme: | Internationale Forschungskooperationen |
Schlagworte: | Lebensmitteltoxikologie, food toxicology, Lebensmittelsicherheit, food safety, Vorratsschutz, storage protection, Futtermittel, animal feed, Qualitätskontrolle, quality control, Schadstoffe / Toxine, poison / toxins, Rinder, cattle, Milch, milk |
Zielland: | Kenia |
Förderkennzeichen: | 2815FSAFLA |
Dokument zum Download: | Kein Dokument vorhanden! |
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