Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

Projekte in den Förderprogrammen des BMEL, betreut durch den Projektträger BLE (PT BLE)

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Titel: Verbundprojekt: Einfach zu handhabendes, robustes und mobiles Handanalysegerät für NPK, pH und EC Wert für ressourceneffizienten Pflanzenbau – Weiterführung bis zur Marktreife - Teilprojekt 2
Titel (englisch): Collaborative project: Easy to use, robust and mobile handheld analyser for NPK, pH and EC values for resource-efficient crop cultivation - continuation to market maturity - subproject 2
Beschreibung (dt.): Ziel dieses Vorhabens ist es, das NutriLab System, basierend auf den Ergebnissen des vorangegangenen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojektes 'NutriLab' (Förderkennzeichen 28181001/00215) bis zur Marktreife zu entwickeln.
Beschreibung (engl.): The objective of this project is to develop the NutriLab system to market maturity. This work is based on the results of the previous research and development project 'NutriLab' (Förderkennzeichen 28181001/00215). NutriLab consists of two components that form a coordinated system: An easy-to-use, robust and mobile handheld instrument that measures the content of the nutrients NO3, H2PO4, K and the pH and EC value of the sample material in a single measurement. The NutriLab instrument is equipped with a Bluetooth interface for data communication with the cloud based NutriLab software. The NutriLab software is designed as a cloud based system and as a smartphone app. In addition to pure data management, it is able to optimize the user's fertilization strategy by independently interpreting the data obtained based on an integrated database, which is containing optimal nutrient ranges in the press sap of plant organs and in soil extracts for the most important crop species in their development stages and, based on this, evaluating the current nutrient status. The database integrated into the software is designed with an open architecture so that the user can adapt it. The optimal nutrient levels of the database can be adapted, further crops can be added. The software is thus designed in a way that a dynamically growing, crowd-based system is created by integrating the knowledge and expertise of the users. In addition, the software is openly designed so that it can also be used with other (possibly already existing) analysis techniques for plant nutrients.. .
Laufzeit: Beginn: 29.03.2019 / Ende: 30.04.2022
Ausf. Einrichtung: ARCUS Eletronic Design Services GmbH, Berlin
Themenfelder: Pflanzenernährung, plant nutrition
Förderprogramme: Innovationsförderung aus Mitteln des Zweckvermögens des Bundes bei der Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank
Schlagworte: Wirtschaftsdünger, farmyard manure, Boden (Bodenschutz, Bodenfruchtbarkeit, Bodenbearbeitung, Bodengesundheit), soil (soil conservation, soil fertility, soil cultivation, soil health), Ressourcenschutz, Ressourceneffizienz, resource protection, resource efficiency, Präzise Landwirtschaft, precision farming, Ackerbau, crop production, Produktsicherheit, product safety, Nährstoffe, nutrients, Datensammlung, data collection, Düngung, fertilization
Förderkennzeichen: 28RZ5IP059
Dokument zum Download: Kein Dokument vorhanden!


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